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How to earn money in 2023?

  It's difficult to predict specific ways to earn money in 2023, as the economy and job market may change significantly over time. However, some general principles can help you increase your earning potential and achieve financial success in the future. Here are a few suggestions:   1-Develop a skill or expertise in a high-demand field:  By learning a valuable skill or gaining expertise in a particular area, you can increase your earning potential and make yourself more attractive to potential employers or clients. 2- Network and build relationships:  Building relationships and networking with others in your industry can help you learn about new opportunities and potentially lead to higher-paying job offers or freelance work.   3-Be proactive about seeking out new opportunities:  Don't be afraid to actively seek out new opportunities, whether it's applying for a new job, negotiating for a higher salary, or starting your own business. 4- Save and i...

Why you can't afford anything at 60?

People at the age of 60 are usually alone, the reason they didn't manage themselves early 40 when they are at their peak to earn a good lifestyle, they think about their children's future. When the children became independent they left their parents alone in old age home.

Why you are unattended at the age of 60?

children Both sons and daughters are included in children, but when most people hear the word children, only sons come to mind. Because most parents like to spend their life and last time in their son's house because this is the tradition of society. In my view, the most selfish and mean-spirited relationship in the world is between children. Starting from childhood, a son or daughter gives priority to parents, because they know that we are completely dependent on them. Parents raise them under the illusion that the place that is impossible for us should be given to someone else. Until then, we obey everything our parents say and are afraid that if they turn away, who will give us food, we do not have enough strength to endure the times without them. On the other hand, children's hands, feet, and tongues begin to gain strength as soon as they step into youth. They feel comfortable. If you want to keep it, if you don't keep it, the world is very wide. Often, when parents tel...

Why Muslim girls are in depressions.

Every other girl is being tracked, squeezed, and defamed Cause "I Like You", "I will send my family to your house" and "I can not live without you" Melting on these words alone, the girl starts thinking about non-mahram, and starts thinking of herself as the luckiest girl in the world. It is known in some way, then the honor of the parents is also bad, and the boy has blackmailing equipment. God, I fold my hands, do not melt on these words, even if non-mahram tears his heart and puts it in front of you, even then it is not possible to believe it.  Why? Because its guarantee was not given by Allah, who knows the unseen, who knew the harms of this relationship, then He set a limit. For him, only marriage is beloved If someone is really in love, give him a chance to prove his love by getting married without involving you in the matter Remember the rest, it is also wrong to respond to someone's expression of dislike. Will give any answer Stay strong, and a...

Top 20 Social and moral manners

1 - Do not call anyone at the same time once. If they are not picking up, there may be several reasons.  2 - If someone gives you an invitation, you should not order expensive food. It is pneumonia. Indeed, the invitation is the money or middle class.  3 - Do not want strange questions. Why do not you get married yet, why you have not yet been children? Why did not you make the house? Or why not buy the car? This is not your problem.  4 - If someone is behind you in opening a door or room, then the person behind you or the boy should go out before. With honoring someone in public places, you will not be resolved.  5 - If you have rented your taxpayer, you have the reference to the next time you have rent.  6 - Learn to respect the ideas of others. Like 6 and 9 both of them are fine, but the difference between the angles is.  7 - If someone is talking, it should not be broken. As the saying that everyone heard that he did all the singing. (Ink fact came)....

بلا سود قرضہ اسکیم کیا ہے؟

 1.آپلائ کرنے کے بعد 3ما ہ (90 یوم) ویریفیکیشن پراسس ہے۔ جس کے دوران آپ کی چا ل چلن کے بارے میں معلومات لی جائے گی اور جانچ پڑتا ل کی جائے گی۔ 2 .اہلیت/ نا اہلیت کا انحصا ر ویریفیکیشن، بورڈ ممبران اور ڈئریکٹر کے متفقہ فیصلہ سے ہوگا۔ 3 .اگر نا اہل قرار پائے تو جمع کرائی گئی رقم 3000 روپے ، فا ئل اور معضرت نامہ کے آپ کے حوالے کر دیا جا ئے گا۔ 4 .نا اہلی کی صورت میں در خواست گزار آپنا چا ل چلن درست کر کے 3 ماہ (90 یوم) کے بعد دوبارہ درخواست دینے کا اہل ہوگا۔ وہ دوبارا درخواست جمع کروا سکتا ہے اس صورت میں ویریفیکیشن پراسس 1 ماہ(30 یوم) ہوگا۔ 5 .اگر آپ اہل قرار پا ئے تو PIN نمبر مع قرض کی اہلیت کے بارے بزریعہ خط آپ کو اطلا ع دی جائے گی۔ 6 .بلا سود قرضہ اسکیم کی ما ہانہ سکیورٹی/ کمیٹی ہر ماہ کی یکم تاریخ سے 5 تاریخ تک کبھی بھی جمع کروائی جا سکتی ہے۔ وقت پر آدا کرنے پر ویریفیکیشن پوائنٹس میں اضافہ ہو گا۔ 7 .5 تاریخ کے بعد جمع کروانے پر ویریفیکیشن پوائنٹ میں ایک عد د کی کمی واقع ہو گی جو آ پ کے قرضہ کی حد پر اثر انداز ہو گی۔ 8 .قرض کی درخواست قرض لینے والا یا اسکا جانشین خود جمع کروائے گا ...